Amazon offers a wide range of products from third-party sellers and if you have a problem with an order or a question about a product you’d like to purchase, it’s best to contact the seller directly.

Here’s how to do it.

  1. Navigate to one of the seller’s listings or their storefront on Amazon if they have one.
  2. Click on the seller’s name. You’ll typically find this next to “Sold by”.
Sold by

Related: How to Report a Missing Package to Amazon

3. On the next page, you’ll see more information about the seller. Click on the “Ask a Question” button.

Ask a Question

4. Choose a topic for your question from the drop-down menu and type your message in the text box.

5. Click “Send e-mail” when you’re done sending your message.

The seller won’t be able to see your email address as part of Amazon’s efforts to protect your privacy. You will receive a reply from an Amazon email address. The seller should reply in two business days.

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