Digital assistants are great tools for getting information, making quick calculations, acquiring food recipes, finding locations, controlling your smart home devices, and much more. The security and privacy-conscious among you might hate how much these nifty services know about you, though. Those ready to take all that private information from Google, Amazon, Apple, and Microsoft have come to the right place. Today, we’ll show you how to delete everything you’ve ever said to your digital assistants.

Google Assistant

  1. Go to your Google Activity page from any browser.
  2. Click on Delete activity by on the left side.
  3. You can select a set period of time you want to delete your history for. These include Last hour, Last day, All time, or Custom range.
  4. Check the box that says Assistant.
  5. Hit Delete.

Amazon Alexa digital assistant

  1. Go to your Alexa Settings page.
  2. Hit the Privacy Settings tab.
  3. Under Alexa Privacy, hit the button that says Manage Settings.
  4. Select Manage Your Alexa Data.
  5. Under Voice Recordings, click where it says here.
  6. Go to the Filter by date option and select All History.
  7. Click on the text that says Delete all of my recordings.
  8. Select Yes.

You can also tell the Alexa digital assistant to delete your recordings!

  1. Open the Alexa app.
  2. Go to the Settings menu.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Hit Alexa Privacy.
  5. Click on Review Voice History.
  6. Toggle Enable deletion by voice on.
  7. Tell your digital assistant, “Alexa, delete my voice history.”

Microsoft’s Cortana digital assistant

  1. Go to your Microsoft account’s Privacy Dashboard.
  2. Click on the My Activity tab.
  3. Select Voice.
  4. Hit Clear Activity.

Apple’s Siri

Like any other Apple process, you need one of their own devices to delete your Siri voice history. You also need an Apple device to use Siri at all, so if you want to delete your recordings from the Siri digital assistant, we can assume you have one. Here’s how to do it.

Delete voice recordings using iOS:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Go to Siri & Search.
  3. Select Siri & Dictation History.
  4. Hit Delete Siri & Dictation History.

Delete voice recordings using macOS:

  1. Open System Preferences.
  2. Go to Siri.
  3. Hit Delete Siri & Dictation History.

Delete voice recordings using HomePod:

  1. Open the Home app.
  2. Go to HomePod Settings.
  3. Select Siri History.
  4. Hit Delete Siri History.

Delete voice recordings using Apple Watch:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Go to Siri.
  3. Select Siri & Dictation History.
  4. Hit Delete Siri & Dictation History.

Delete voice recordings using Apple TV:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Go to General.
  3. Select Siri History.
  4. Hit Delete Siri & Dictation History.

Samsung’s Bixby digital assistant

  1. Open Bixby Voice.
  2. Hit the 3-line menu button.
  3. Tap on the device you want to delete your voice history for.
  4. Select Conversation history.
  5. Tap the 3-dot menu button in the top-right corner.
  6. Select Clear all (or select Delete and pick which entries you want to delete one by one).

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